viernes, 22 de enero de 2010

Spinach Gnocchis (aka Malfatti)

  • This recipe is one of my signature dishes. I discover it in the italian city of Brescia, and in an osteria whose name I cannot remember. In this osteria, the dish of the day were these amazing Malfatti ("badly-done" in english). These are a bit messy to elaborate, but totally worthed!

Spinach Gnocchis


  • 1 kg of spinach.

  • 350gr of ricotta cheese.

  • 2 egg yolks

  • 100gr parmigian cheese

  • Salt, pepper and oregan

  • Flour.

  • Bread Crumbs.

  • 100 gr of butter and olive oil


Boil the spinach (if frozen as specified in the package, otherwise with very few water). Once they are boiled, dry them out really well and chop them finely.
Mix the spinach in a bowl with the ricotta cheese, the egg yolks, 2 tablespoons of breadcrumbs, half of the parmigian cheese, salt and pepper. Mix it really well. Prepare balls a little bit bigger than a chupachups and cover them in flour.
Prepare a pot with around 3 liters of water to boil the gnocchis with some salt. Once the water is boiling add the gnocchis and wait till they float, which will mean they are cooked. Take them out. Meanwhile, melt the butter and mix it with 3 ts of olive oil and oregan.

Serve the gnocchis on a dish and cover them with the butter and oregan sauce, and finish it with some oregan.

Bon profit!

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